World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a well made and challenging multiplayer action game!
- What's Free - Play game for 100 minutes.
- File Size - 16 GB
- Play It On - Windows XP or better
- Support - World of Tanks Support
- Game Created By - WarGaming
Exclusive Review Summary
Decently sized maps with layouts that encourage using
terrain to your advantage
Quite a few different tanks to unlock, purchase, and
No good way to practice before getting thrown into
matches with other players
Important repair items are limited use and must be
Game Description
Let's Begin
World of Tanks feels like it's been around forever, and
yet this is the first time I've ever really tried playing
it. Turns out it's not as excruciatingly outside of my
wheelhouse as I'd feared! It's also a little more complex
than I was expecting.
Hold the Line
Simply shooting at red things isn't going to cut it.
For once, the high ground isn't better. The thing about
tanks is they can't really aim down. Being below an enemy
is actually an advantage because you can fire up at them
without them being able to fire back.
Look for the green. When aiming at an enemy you'll see a
small circle in the middle of your targeting reticule. If
it's red, you're going to hit armor and not do much
damage. If it's green, you're targeting a weak point and
will hit much harder.
Aim slow. Moving the tank or even the turret can throw
off your aim. For a more accurate shot, wait for the
circle on the outside of the targeting reticule to
Use the bushes. You can hide behind buildings and other
visually solid bits of terrain, but bushes are cool
because they can hide you from enemies and still be shot
through. Shooting reveals your location, but they're
still great for setting up an ambush (no pun intended).
Don't Tread on Me
While World of Tanks is a competent game overall, but
being tossed right into multiplayer matches after just
learning the basics is pretty challenging and I'm not a
fan of the need to constantly buy repair items. Still
definitely worth a look if you're interested in online
competitive multiplayer.
World of Tanks Review
Review by Rob Rich
To be completely honest, I wasn't looking forward to
playing World of Tanks for review. I'm not a fan of
competitive play, I'm even less of a fan of online
multiplayer matches with random strangers, and tanks are
one of my least favorite types of vehicle used in war.
Yet here we are, and surprisingly enough I ended up
enjoying aspects of this game once I finally started
For the unfamiliar, World of Tanks is basically a game of
capture-the-point mixed with team deathmatch - where
everyone is a tank. Matches are typically won by either
capturing the other team's base, or by destroying all of
the other team's tanks. Depending on the map and mode
things can be a little more involved than that - like
when there are several control points that need to be
controlled - but for the most part it's 'blow everyone up
or sneak around and take control of a thing.'
The maps are small enough that it doesn't take long to
find the opposition, but large enough that there's plenty
of room to maneuver to the point that it's possible to
sneak a faster tank through the front lines with a little
luck and careful driving. There are a number of variables
to the terrain that can also influence how you approach a
given situation. Elevation is important to consider
because tanks can aim up a lot easier than they can aim
down, buildings can be used for cover or to hide behind
in an attempt to flank, and even bushes can hide you in a
It's a shame that there isn't a good way to practice
before getting thrown into a multiplayer match, though.
Sure there's a training mode with a few levels that teach
you the basics, but I was really hoping to have a 'real'
match with bots before having to deal with the pressure
of not being dead weight to a team full of other players
right out of the gate. I mean it's good that newbies are
grouped together in the beginning - newer accounts are,
anyway, but whether or not the person playing has
experience is another matter entirely - but I'd have
still preferred a little more hands on time before
getting tossed into the fray.
I mentioned that I'm not a fan of tanks, and this is
true, but I know there are people out there who love them
and I think they'll be pleased with World of Tanks'
roster. There are a lot of treaded armored vehicles here
(don't ask me how accurate they are, though), of various
makes and models. Some are faster, some are slow but well
armored - you probably know the drill if you're even a
little familiar with action games that involve character
classes of any type. So yeah, there are plenty of tanks,
which you can unlock, buy, and upgrade. You can also hire
and train crew who can provide useful passive buffs and
perks. Though as you might expect, all of this stuff is
subject to freemium systems like needing to earn
experience (and then spend it) to unlock something, then
spend actual money (assuming you have enough) to purchase
what you just unlocked.
My main not totally subjective and mired in my own
personal biases complaint, though, is the way items work.
This being a game that focuses almost entirely on combat,
your tank is bound to take a beating. This can lead to
things like busted treads, fires, injured crew, and so
on. Fine. You can acquire items that are used in-game to
fix/extinguish/heal or otherwise deal with these problems
as they arise. Also fine. What bothers me is how these
items have to be purchased using in-game currency, and
have limited uses. These are things you're going to have
to use a lot as you play, and end up being a drain on
your virtual wallet. Granted these items (at least the
low end ones) don't cost an overly absurd amount, but I'd
have much rather spend a bit more on a one-and-done piece
of gear instead of constantly having to restock my
In the end I didn't hate World of Tanks, which is not how
I saw things going. It's still absolutely, without
question, not a game tailored to my specific interests
but I think I can understand why it's gotten to be
popular. From a more objective viewpoint I'm not fond of
some of the free-to-play systems or the hardline 'it's
multiplayer or nothing' approach, though. Gameplay-wise
it works well enough and there's more strategy to combat
than simply driving in circles and shooting, and that's
always a good thing. If you're curious I don't see the
harm in checking it out, but if you're like me and this
sort of stuff just isn't your bag it's not going to
change your mind.
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